Minims: Wins

Minims is a body of work with several series that features the fundamental visual element of the digital age–the pixel. I create Mimims through a process of finding and capturing interesting forms in my past abstract works. I begin by zooming into digital images of my artwork by up to 6,000% (far beyond the human eye's capability to see details in the original work). At this level of magnification, the image's resolution breaks down, revealing fundamental abstract forms. These forms are genuinely abstractions of abstractions, and I think of them as ultra-abstracts. I crop the ultra-abstract forms and create multiple series that capture unique "moments" or ways of seeing within particular slices of time, thus allowing each Minims series to have its own unique character.

Wins (short for windows) is a series within the Minims body of work. The Wins series offers a view into minute details found in "Bonfire Of The Soul," an image in a project of mine called "The Boreal Valley." Each image in this series has an NFT, and three of the Wins are also hand-crafted as physical pieces.


Win 004
Painting (acrylic on canvas)
11” x 14”

Win 005
Painting (acrylic on canvas)
11” x 14”

Win 006
Painting (acrylic on canvas)
11” x 14”


Win 001

Win 001
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”

Win 002

Win 002
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”

Win 004

Win 003
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”


Win 004
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”

Win 005

Win 005
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”

Win 006

Win 006 - SOLD
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”


Win 004 - SOLD
NFT (digital image)
11” x 14”



Step 1: Magnifying

I magnify images of my art up to 6,000%, far beyond the human eye's capability to view such detail. The image's resolution breaks down into pixelated forms at this degree of magnification.


Step 2: Cropping

I crop compositions that appeal to me in the moment, thus creating novel abstractions. I complete this process in one sitting to capture unique "moments" or ways of seeing within particular slices of time.

Step 3: Finalizing

Each image in this series has an NFT, and three of them are hand-crafted as physical pieces.


The Boreal Valley


Minims: Verts